The Registrar, Federal Polytechnic Bauchi, Haj. Rakiya Usman Maleka has today 28th July, 2023 visited the Centre of Excellence for Integrated Farming System Federal Polytechnic Bauchi.

Haj. Maleka said she was at the Centre to see herself the level of development recorded and have an interface with staff of the Centre.

The Registrar, who is the Chairperson of Conference of Registrars of Polytechnics, Monotechnics and Colleges of Technology in Nigeria (COREG) prayed for the success of the Centre and charged the staff to give their best for the Centre to achieve its mandates.

In his response, the Director of the Centre, Dr. Kolawole Richard thanked the Registrar for the visit which he said would go a long way in boosting the morale of the staff.

He used the visit to appreciate the unflinching support the Centre receives from the Management of the Polytechnic and assured that Registrar that the staff will continue to deploy their resourcefulness in the focus areas of Centre’s mandates.

During the visit, the Registrar was taken round the Centre’s offices, conference room and store by the Director, assisted by the Centre Administrative Officer Haj. Rahinatu Abdullahi.

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